The Team

I'm Munirah bt Apandi, 23 years old in 2013. Born on 25 September 1990 and live in  Kuching, Sarawak. I was a final year Biology student of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Studying Biology as the major course and Geography as the minor . Its fun to have a little madness in our life. Thus, take deep breath, walk through, and you will fine the best part of it..

My name is Nur Farhana bt Mokhtar. I
 was born in Tawau, Sabah. 9th May 1989 and live in baling Kedah. I love writing and reading.
To be the best among the best is my motto and i love biochemistry.

I'm Nurulatikah bt Ahmad. I was born on 16 June 1990. Live in Kedah. My major course is Biology and Chemistry is my minor course. I'm a Biology student in UPSI and studying Chemistry as my minor course.

My name is Noor Asyikin bt Kamarazaman. I was born in Kota Bharu on 27 October 1990. Now, i'm in University Pendidikan Sultan Idris studying Biology education as Major courses and Chemistry as Minor. For me, "quitting is not an option. If you are faced with a problem, the only way is to go through it and you will find the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm Wan Norfarhah Binti Wan Harun, born in Kuala Terengganu on 5 September 1990. This is my last semester at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris taking Biology as major and Kemahiran Hidup as minor study. Biochem is fun and complicated .live ur life.

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